Monday, January 26, 2009

More changes

As of January 27, 2008 the Reprographics unit will be open until 10 pm. until further notice. This will put an end to all cash collection and accounting activities at the circulation desk between 7 - 10 pm. Hip! Hip! .........

Staff movements
Mrs. McLean will be moving to the Public Services Section and Ms. Kean will be going to the Periodicals Section for the start of the new semester.

Meet our new 'night administrator !'

Most staff members should know Vaunett Neil by now. Since November of last year, Vaunett Neil has been given the responsibility to oversee the operations of the 10pm to 6am shift during the week. Last year we introduced the then night librarian, Kareen Bourne, on the blog and so we are doing the same for our not so new night administrator (my title!). So for those individuals who don't know her that well, or even those who do, you may just learn something new about this multifacted individual.

Vaunett C. Neil gained employment to the U.W.I. Library in 1973, where she worked in the Main Library, transferring to the Science Branch Library as a Clerical Assistant soon after.

She was later promoted to the capacity of Library Assistant, and gave approximately twelve and a half years of service there, until being appointed Administrative Assistant at the U.W.I Bursary.

In 1998 she moved on to work with the Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation, also as an Administrative Assistant, for approximately three years.

For the period 2001 through 2003, she was the General Manager at Neil’s Manufacturing Company in Kingston.

She holds a Bachelor of Religious Arts in Christian Education from the Jacksonville Theological Seminary, South Florida, a Master of Religious Arts in Christian Education from Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida, as well as a Doctorate of Philosophy in Christian Pastoral Counseling, also from Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida.

In September 2007 she rejoined the U.W.I Library. She was one of those who were instrumental in piloting the Extended Opening Hours Project, which has proven to be a success.

She is happily married and is the mother of two successful young adults. She is also an Ordained Minister and an active member of the Church Board at Agape Christian Fellowship.